The green transition in Quebec: challenges and opportunities for the economy and employment

The climate emergency has become a major global concern, and Quebec is no exception. In the Revue RH de l’Ordre des Conseillers en Ressources Humaines Agréés du Québec (April, May, June), the feature on “EN ROUTE VERS LA TRANSITION VERTE!” (ON THE ROAD TO GREEN TRANSITION!) stresses the importance of training a skilled workforce to ensure the success of Quebec’s energy transition. A study carried out by EnviroCompétences, a sectoral committee for the environmental workforce, is clear: to electrify our grid, convert our energy, develop our territories sustainably or optimize waste management, we’ll need workers with the necessary know-how. In this article, we explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the Plan for a Green Economy 2030 (PEV) adopted by the Quebec government, and highlight the crucial role of human resources professionals, including Robert Dubé, President and CEO of Atout Recrutement.

The challenges of the green transition
Faced with the tangible repercussions of climate change and the objectives of reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs), it is undeniable that the green transition is necessary. However, the success of this transition in Quebec is not guaranteed. The EPI aims to create a greener economy by 2030, and calls for the creation of 8,600 jobs. However, to achieve these objectives, it is essential to close the skills gap and requalify workers.

Challenges and opportunities for the economy and employment
Labour scarcity is already a brake on Quebec’s potential growth. However, the EnviroCompétences study indicates that implementation of the EPI offers opportunities for economic growth and employment, provided that skills supply and demand are well coordinated, and that worker mobility between industries is facilitated. This is where the role of human resources professionals becomes crucial.

The role of human resources professionals in the green transition
Human resources professionals are called upon to play a key role in the green transition. They will contribute to thinking about best practices for attracting, training and retaining skilled workers. It’s clear that HR professionals will have a major role to play in achieving a green economy.

Recommendations for HR professionals
To succeed in the green transition, it is essential to break down silos and develop a cross-functional approach to the workforce. Human resources professionals need to work closely with other industry players to identify skills needs and implement appropriate recruitment and training strategies. In addition, the creation of a common language on environmental skills is necessary to facilitate the understanding and implementation of measures linked to the green transition.

In conclusion
The green transition in Quebec presents both challenges and opportunities for the economy and employment. The Plan for a Green Economy 2030 offers an ambitious framework for creating a more sustainable and resilient economy, but its success will depend on the mobilization of all players, including human resources professionals.

Human resources professionals play an essential role in the green transition. Their expertise in recruiting, training and retaining talent will be key to bridging skills gaps, promoting worker mobility between industries and ensuring the success of green transition initiatives.

To achieve this, we need to foster collaboration between the various stakeholders, develop appropriate recruitment and training strategies, and create a common language around environmental skills. By working together, human resources professionals will help build a more sustainable future for Quebec, where the green transition will be synonymous with economic growth, innovation and quality jobs.

It’s time to seize the opportunities offered by the green transition and meet the challenges that lie ahead. Human resources professionals have a crucial role to play in this transformation, by ensuring that the necessary talent is available and by putting in place the right conditions for the success of the green transition in Quebec. Together, we can build a better future for present and future generations.

To find out more about the energy transition in Quebec, consult the prospective study of the workforce and jobs related to the green transition and climate change by following the link below.

Source: Dubé, R., & Dodier, D. (2023). EN ROUTE TO THE GREEN TRANSITION! Revue RH, 26(2), p.30.

Link to Revu RH: En route vers la transition verte! L’étude prospective de la main-d’œuvre et des emplois liés à la transition verte et aux changements climatiques (